The Brotherhood of Catholic Men & Adolescents 13 Week Course Outline
Each week, 1 homework email with videos to be watched will be sent out. These homework assignments should be completed prior to the scheduled weekly web chat.
Each weekly web chat will last 45 minutes and be led by Brotherhood instructors who will 1.) Review menstrual cycle charts with Brotherhood students and 2.) Lead discussions on the videos and questions from that week’s video assignments.
Fertility Awareness 101- Weeks 1 and 2
Summary—Fertility Awareness 101 gives an overview of male and female fertility. The videos discuss in great detail the stages of the menstrual cycle, what constitutes a healthy cycle, how a woman can know if she is ovulating and why this is important. The web chats will also include instructions on how to chart. Chart review #1 takes place during week 2.
Catholic Sexual Morality 101 (The 6th Commandment) – Weeks 3 and 4
Summary—Sexual Morality 101 examines the constant teaching of the Church that sexual intimacy is only appropriate in the bonds of marriage between one man and one woman for life. By beginning with the Magisterium and going over Catholic Action Theory, viewers are brought through a systematic process of evaluating the morality of decisions. The morality of abortion, contraception, homosexual acts and assisted reproductive technology is also explored. Chart review #2 takes place during week 3.
Chastity 101 – Weeks 5, 6 and 7
Summary—Chastity 101 examines at length the virtue of chastity. Beginning with God’s vision for love, marriage, and sex, this course delves into the deeper questions of purity, modesty, boundaries, sexual decision making, and starting over. Chart review #3 takes place during week 5.
Contraception 101 – Weeks 8 and 9
Summary- Contraception 101 begins with a review of God’s plan for sex, and the reproductive system. Contraceptives (including effectiveness and risks) and sexually transmitted infections are discussed at length. Chart review #4 takes place during week 8.
Abortion 101 – Weeks 10 and 11
Summary—Abortion 101 examines the issues surrounding abortion and the sanctity of life. Differences between the born and unborn are discussed and after watching the videos, the viewer will understand exactly how an abortion is performed. Chart review #5 takes place during week 11.
Pornography 101 – Weeks 12 and 13
Summary – Pornography 101 addresses the often-concealed problem of pornography addiction. Dr. Kleponis, a Catholic board-certified psychologist and counselor, explores the topic of porn. How to identify it and how it affects relationships with others and self. Dr. Kleponis also offers advice on how to overcome porn addiction as well as how to help someone who may be struggling with it. Chart review #6 takes place during week 13.